Monday, April 28, 2014

Side Art

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The laundry room is making progress.

I got brave and set up my new saw and cut moulding and painted on Saturday after a long day of cleaning the backyard. Sunday night I had Storm help me hold things level and we put up the pieces that were ready.

She was wandering around with a sanding block and some end scrap pieces. I thought she was just amusing herself sanding ..

And she was...

I should gave known she was crafting!

She made herself the cutest little trophy stand with some fandom trophies to go with.

I love that she uses her creativity so much!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Now you see them, now you don't!

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My friend and I kicked butt this weekend in the disaster of a back yard!

Two trips to the dump, so much crap out from under the deck, all the old leftover paint from the last owners, and this.....

No longer looks remotely like that hot mess!

The backyard was so squished with all those huge spruce trees, it was super annoying to park back there. Like a fifty point turn to get dad's big truck backed in. No fun.

And, I need all the space I can get for a real garage and lawn.

So two girls with lots of ambition, enthusiasm and optimism bought some hand saws and went to work!

Partly done! We can see across the back alley! Not that I really enjoy the view, nor the openness of it all but I'm so glad to see those trees gone!

The first load of branches. We made a quick trip to the farm to dump them off. So glad to see some gone.

Oh, but look! There's more.....

Those trees made an obscene amount of branches.

The next load we got a little smarter and piled much higher. And then picture me up there jumping on spruce boughs like they were my own little trampoline to flatten them down, and then add even more to the truck.

Thankfully I didn't manage to kill or maim myself either!

Oh but look at that lovely view!

There's still leaves and debris to be raked up and bagged, but it's an amazing difference.

I'm ready to rip the rest of the stuff down now too!

Exciting actual tangible change is a lovely thing.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Best Sunday surprise ever

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I was putting some tools back in the furnace room and as I glanced back to shut off the light and close the door, something caught the corner of my eye.

My MOM has been saving this art of my dad's for me and I had actually totally forgot about it.

This picture always hung somewhere in our trailer and was a huge part of my childhood.

Of course, it's not actually pretty, and I don't want it on my living room wall but I couldn't think of a better place for it then hanging on paneling in my basement surrounded by tools.

It's like, hello Dad!!

Almost brought a misty tear to my eye. Thanks Mom!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Laundry room

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Well, it's not strictly going to be a laundry room.

It's so big, I decided I could make it into a video lounge room for the kids as well.
Eventually the plan is to move the washer and dryer into the furnace room. In the meantime, we will pull down all the weird shelving, terrible ceiling tiles, and extra cupboard left behind, and paint.

I'm so excited for this palette.

It's going to be amazing I think.

The best thing ever.

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I've been obsessing over a Nest for forever.

When we lived in the condo, it was an impossibility. That whole 'doesn't belong to us' thing.

I swore when I bought this place, one of the first things I'd do would be to buy a Nest and install it.

Well, I did buy one about 2 weeks after we moved in here, but then I kind of hesitated on installing it. What if I screwed something up? And the wall needed to be painted. And what if I did it wrong....

Um, yea. This thermostat was the easiest thing to install!!

I did read up on it, and watch the installation video, which was reassuring to me that I could actually do this.

Ignore the holes. And the fact that I hadn't even finished painting the second coat on the wall before I snapped this pic. The wall is not even this color in person!

I was just so excited and impressed. I had to share with my friends.

Below it is some old humidex control. I didn't remove it yet as I'm not sure if it's hooked up or not until I have the furnace guy tell me what's what.

Oh yea. Now I can sit on my couch or lay in bed and change the temp in the house!

I'm in love.


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We've been in the house now for 18 days and have gotten a start on a few updates.

I am more than slightly in love with the living room now, and it's only about 25% finished. It's amazing what paint can do.

We started with cream trim (ugh) and brown walls. My least favorite ever. Thanks for a inspiration picture of a bold living room, we are on our way to making it much more 'me'.

First step was to paint the ceiling a light purple. I can't wait to add some white coffered beams to it. I also still need to change out the lovely ancient fan.

A test spot. You can see how yellow the moulding is! The dark color looked like it would be quite the dramatic change!

First coat done. Windows caulked and painted. Makes me love them a little more.

Couldn't wait to hang my pictures. Need some instant gratification to keep me going.

The white makes a huge difference as well!

I worked on three walls first, so I could get curtains up! That was the main goal. Terrible blinds down, sheers and curtains up.

Storm and Blade love to take the tape off, even if I won't let them help paint.

I love the feel of the living room now. It's so me.

Of course I still need to hem the curtains and cut the curtain rods down. I just wanted to see some progress and not see my neighbours!

Also to be done is the board and batten and door moulding. I've left a spot for the massage chair but decided to not go pick it up yet until I've the walls totally done. No sense in moving that huge chair around.

Some day this winter, the floors will also be sanded down and stained a moody grey. I can't wait.

For now, I've got another wall still to be painted...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

My first B and E

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Nothing like being locked out by a faulty screen door in your socks and tank top!!

My friend Jackie was over for coffee and as she was leaving, we went out the back door discussing what a disaster the back yard is and all the plans. I turned to go back into that damn sticky screen door and ... LOCKED OUT!!

Thank God for Jackie and a brick!!

It's locked me out for the last time!

I think I can live without it.

And putting a spare key outside just rocketed to the top of the list of things to do!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A pile of glorious work

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After living in a white apartment for almost two years, it's quite exciting to think we can paint any cool we'd like.

Purple. Peacock. A couple exciting blues as well as, well, white. But the white is a good thing this time! Crisp clean moulding!

Now to get to painting.

Oh, and get brave enough to attempt installing my Nest!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

She's everywhere..

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Turned the corner at Michael's and seen this!

If I didn't know she was at the science fair, I'd say Miss Storm had been here....

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014