Monday, June 20, 2011

My husband is awesome!

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It's that time of year again, when the kids are assigned some sort of school project and I pass all responsibility onto Ryan. He never fails to impress though!

Storm had to make a musical instrument that changed pitch, volume etc. Ryan made her a harp.

How cute is that! She decorated it all up too.

Hunter's project was to make a self-propelled vehicle that went at least 2m. They made this elastic powered one to begin with, but when it failed to pass the 2m test Ryan was unimpressed with it. Considering he hates working with wood, I think that little car is rocking though! Even if it wouldn't go very far.

Enter Google. This is Hunter's new project! I think it's awesome.

That little baby will go over 15 feet! It consists of: a playing card, two sets of wheels from a dollar store truck, a straw, a balloon, and some duct tape. There are some ingenious people out there!

I had to include this picture I took of them working on the wooden car. Blade's face is hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! At school we are told to make something and im thinking of making this


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