Thursday, December 9, 2010

Homemade Christmas Cards

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I'm leaving it a bit late this year.

Wait.  That's not just this year.  That's normal for me!

With all the painting I've been doing lately, I guess this idea was inevitable.  I decided that the kids should paint the 'cards' that I'm going to mail out. 

I bought some small canvases at the dollar store and painted the backgrounds for them.

I didn't bother sticking to traditional Christmas colors for the backgrounds.  Plus, I was testing out the new paint colors I just bought for Storm's word art for her room!  Multitasking people, multitasking!

Even Clayton painted two.

They got quite creative.  The only thing that had to be on the small canvas was fingerprinted snowmen.  The rest was up to them.


They turned out awesome! 

Ryan even painted one. Guess which one!

 I can't wait to mail them all out, which I better do soon, or they'll be New Year's cards instead!


  1. Of course this does put the pressure on as to who is important enough to receive these cards (ahem, me). Unless there is one for everyone on your website mailing list...

  2. There's twelve made. And I've got the sweat shop, er, kids ready to make more if needed! Of course you are on my list :) Although I do need your new Finland address!!

  3. These are amazing!!!! I went to 4 or 5 stores the other day trying to find cards that didn't categorically suck, gave up, then called my grandmothers & explained they wouldn't be getting cards this year.

    Put the kids back to work!!! I like the one with reindeer antlers the best. Hope you kept some for your own treasure trove!

  4. Thanks Lauren! The one with the reindeer antlers (and black background) is Blade's (the youngest). I had to keep reminding him that there was to be no blood, no ninjas, no stabbing of other snowmen with their twig arms! LOL

    I wanted to keep them all! But I forced myself to mail them all out. I'm sort of hoping I'll get a few back at some point. My mom says she is saving hers at least!

  5. ah... super cute! what a fun card idea!! thanks so much for sharing with us. :)


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