For the longest time, on the wall in our sitting room, has been a couple of 11x14's of family pictures that we had taken about 5 years ago.
For 2 years I've had shells sitting in my basement in a storage bin awaiting some shadow boxes to display them.
Finally, after this last vacation (in which I came home with more shells!) I decided to actually get on it and put them in a frame.
After reviewing my photos that I had taken on vacation, I really fell in love with a couple of them. My favorite being this one; a picture of a heart rock we found while beachcombing on Cape Breton Island.
(ignore the window and door in the picture!!)
our sitting room is bright!
Isn't it the best?! I decided to take down the family photos and re-use the frames for my vacation pictures instead. On the right hand side is a picture of the coast line at Peggy's Cove, NS.
While shopping for frames for other pictures we had taken, I happened to go into Michael's where they just happened to have a "Buy One, Get One Free" sale on ALL frames in the store! I picked up a couple of shadow boxes for the shells.
So happy with the way it turned out. Next on the list of things to get was a buffet for under these pictures. Mom and I went to check out the local swapshops/antique stores and look what we found.....

Sure it's ugly as all heck, and broken... BUT, it's all wood, it's the right size, the right configuration of doors and shelves AND it was only 45 bucks. With a little stripping, painting, new hardware and some door fixing by the FIL, we'll have a nice little buffet on the cheap! Stay tuned for pics.
Looks great!! I love the shadow boxes for the shells. I can't wait to see what the buffet looks like!