Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rodeo's Vacation

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When we came back from our trip out East, the only thing we had settled was that we would leave the house up for sale.

Although we had decided not to move across the country, we still wanted to move away from town. Unfortunately for us, we can't afford to live in the country here! It's a little insane price wise. Fortunately, we may have a solution back in our home town.

The only problem is we can't do it until next year. So we left the house for sale. I had just about decided to settle in for the summer and take it off the market in the fall if it didn't sell, and then bam!

The house sold.  And then we can't find anything to rent. And we have to be out by June 7th! And it's hard enough to find something to rent with kids, let alone with pets.

Which leads to this:

Rodeo is on his way to a foster family for a year. We are so thankful we found a really nice couple who are willing to take him. Well, technically he is on a one week trial, but I'm hoping for the best! They have a beagle already, so they know what they are getting into and they are looking for a companion for their dog. She's coincidentally named Sadie!

I hope he has a ton of fun until next year when he will come home to roam in the countryside with us!

1 comment:

  1. So you're moving to Rimbey??? How did I not know until now?? What happened to PEI?


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