Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gone gone gone!

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I'm officially crossing #5 off the list.

I listed and sold a bit of stuff out of the room.  A couple of girls came and took $60 worth of Halloween stuff off my hands! I've hauled all the stuff that hasn't sold yet to my mom's to await the warm weather and garage sale time.  And yesterday I sorted out all my Halloween costumes, bagged them up in those clear zipper bags you get when you buy sheets etc., and listed them for sale too.  So although they are still in the room right now, I'm saying that junk is outta the room!!

Looking like this now.

 The soon to be ex-neighbor is taking the dressers off my hands this weekend.  Yay!

That's a far cry my friends from what it looked like only 2 weeks ago!


Halloween costumes, sorted and waiting new homes.

Which is a good thing, because I hear tell that Clayton is moving back into this room this weekend, so that Ryan can start on #7 this weekend.

Well, who wants to go outside in this weather anyways?!  Bring on the painting!

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