Friends, I'm in love.
For Family Friday
(that's a lot of capital F's!) and Easter I made this new iced chocolate cake recipe I found from another blog with the recipe actually coming from Martha Stewart's website. Oh my. I don't even like chocolate cake, and I certainly don't like chocolate icing. But this, this is GOOD. I'd share a picture of my masterpiece cake but of course I didn't remember to take a picture at home with my good camera. I snapped a picture with my blackberry while I was waiting for Ryan to get gas. Here's my craptastic picture.
Sorry! But if you don't judge this recipe on my BB's photo skills and just make it, you won't be sorry!
I'm just going to write out the icing recipe and leave you with the link to Martha Stewart's site instead for the cake. The cake was amazing. The icing even more amazing.
Chocolate Frosting
4 1/2 cups of icing sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 tsp salt
12 ounces of cream cheese (that's a pkg and a half for us Canadians)
3/4 cup butter, room temperature
18 ounces of bittersweet chocolate, melted*
1 1/2 cups sour cream
Mix the icing sugar, cocoa and salt in a medium bowl. With a mixer, beat the cream cheese and butter on medium-high until fluffy, about 4 minutes. Reduce speed to low. Gradually add sugar mixture, beating until combined. Beat in melted chocolate and sour cream until combined.
*Now for my suggestions. This makes a crap ton of frosting, so if you aren't looking to ice two double layer cakes, cut the recipe in half for sure. I still have a big tub in the fridge left over. (poor me, as I sit here eating it with a spoon as I type out this recipe). It calls for 18oz of bittersweet chocolate melted. I only had 8 squares of semi-sweet baker's chocolate and some chocolate chips. I ended up melting the squares and 1 2/3cups of chips to make up the 18 oz. Yes, it sounds like a lot of chocolate to me too! I was worried it would be way way too sweet ( I mean, 4.5 cups of icing sugar!!?!) but it's yummy and creamy. I hate sour cream. Hate the smell of it, the look of it, the fact that someone out there wanted me to put it in my icing. Do it anyways. You can't taste it and it gives it an amazing creamy lighter texture.
The cake recipe was amazingly good as well. The rum, well Screech in my case, adds a delicious smell and slight taste to it. Here's the link to her site with the cake recipe.
Chocolate Cake
And no, mine didn't look much like hers! But like I have time to make a fake bird's nest and put fancy grass on the top of it as well!
Now if you'll excuse me, my ass has a date with this:
Oh dear.