Monday, April 25, 2011


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This year I left it up to Clayton to organize the Easter egg hunt.  I wasn't really feeling like doing one at all when he asked when we were doing it.  So I told him that he could do it and I'd supply the cash for the chocolate. 

A quick trip downtown for chocolate and a late night adventure of stuffing eggs, making up clues and hiding eggs in obvious but not too obvious places equals three happy children Saturday morning. 

He came up with some pretty good clues all on his own!

We had a good little laugh over some of them, including "I'm getting 'queky Clean in here". 
It was late, that's all he's going to say about that. Hehe.
The kids with their loot:

Not too much that I wonder when the heck they will eat it all!
Thanks big brother!!
Yes, he's still in his blankey.  Yes it's bright outside.  It's probably about 11 AM in this picture! And yes he enjoyed that hug about as much as it looks like he did.


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